First Test Match-Bharat -New Zealand

The combined analysis of numbers and planets currently placed in Bharat's chart and MS Dhoni's chart indicate some of our key players may not perform well as most of them have different charts. It depends who is playing when the moon is in favorable position and vice versa. However, over all luck may favor us most of the time as Bharat's chart looks strong.

If Sachin Tendulkar is fit to play in this match, heavenly bodies indicate he may do well.

Sun will be placed uncomfortably in the 8th house of Mr Dhoni's chart indicates rest of the month could be a bit difficult for him over all.

First one and half days and the last part of the fourth day and the last day may be positive for Bharat astrologically. So, the 60:40 luck factor for Bharat in this match indicates either we may win or safely draw the match.


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